How to Make Radish Sambar – A Flavorful South Indian Lentil Dish

Radish Sambar

Radish Sambar Recipe Radish Sambar is a delicious and flavorful South Indian dish that is made with lentils, vegetables, and a special blend of spices. This dish is an excellent way to incorporate the health benefits of radishes into your diet. Here’s a simple recipe for making Radish Sambar: Ingredients: Instructions: Radish Sambar is a … Read more

How to Make Vegetable Sambar – A Classic South Indian Dish

Vegetable Sambar

Vegetable Sambar Recipe Vegetable Sambar is a flavorful and nutritious South Indian lentil soup made with a variety of vegetables and aromatic spices. This popular dish is often served with rice or as a side dish with dosa, idli, or vada. Here’s an easy recipe to make delicious Vegetable Sambar: Ingredients: Instructions for recipe: Vegetable … Read more

How To Cook Red Lentils

How to Cook Red Lentils

A comprehensive guide to cooking red lentils on the stovetop or using an Instant Pot, and transforming them into simple, nutritious meals. Red lentils, known as Masoor dal, have been a beloved legume in various cuisines for centuries. Their rich earthy flavor, vibrant color, and quick cooking time make them a versatile and nutritious ingredient. … Read more